Monday, September 26, 2011

3 more months of procrastinating........

I've watsed another 3 months losing and gaining the same few kilos. I'm almost at the point where I just want to give up, and pretend I don't care about being obese, and it doesn't matter. But it does!!! And I do care.

The number of days that have been "Day 1" .............. it gets to the point where you have to say every day is day one. Every day is an uphill battle for me. Some days even getting from one meal to the next is a struggle. I need to do this. If not for my health, I need to do it for my son.

Starting Weight: 88.8kgs
Last Weeks Weight: 88.8kgs
Current Weight: 88.8kgs
Weight Loss: 88.8kgs
Total Weight Loss: 0kgs


Get under 85kgs

Get under 80kgs

Get under 75kgs

Get under 70kgs

Fit my work uniform better

Walk atleast 3 times a week for an hour

Introduce some running into my walk

Start doing some cycling a couple of times a week

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Made it past Day 1 finally!!

Day 2

Apart from the odd hunger pang yesterday, I made it through the day pretty well. There were times when I wanted something just to nibble, and I could tell it was just boredom. I ended up having a carrot at about 9 last night, just for something to keep my mouth busy!

Uncle Toby's Oat singles x 2 mixed with water
1/2 banana
1/2 150g pottle of yoghurt


Get under 85kgs
Get under 80kgs
Get under 75kgs
Get under 70kgs
Fit my work uniform
Walk atleast 3 times a week for an hour
Introduce some running into my walk
Start doing some cycling a couple of times a week

Monday, June 20, 2011

Starting to see abit of a pattern here..........

Day 1 ....... again!

I guess atleast the good thing is I haven't gained any weight since May 1st. The bad thing is I haven't lost any either! It's amazing how time just keeps moving on.

So I'm restarting yet again. Will I make it this time? I hope so. Maybe I need to be more positive and say Yes I will! I'm going to try and take it one day at a time, one meal at a time. I need to realise that if I don't eat something one day it isn't going to disappear off the face of the earth. Or if I don't gorge myself on something that I won't get the full effect of it. And does it *really* matter if I don't eat everything and some gets wasted?? My partner has a friend who never finishes everything on his plate. He always leaves something. It's what he has done his whole life, and guess what? He doesn't have a weight problem. Coincidence? Possibly.

The times in my life when I've been successful with losing weight, ahve been when I wrote down what I ate for every meal, even the bad stuff. So I'm going to be doing that again. I need to be held accountable for it.

1 150g pottle of yoghurt
30g cereal
1/4c milk
1 banana

(there is room to cut back calories there. I used whole milk because that is what we have)

2 slices grainy bread
1 tsp margarine
3 slices shaved ham

(again, I didn't really need the margarine, and could have had less ham, but it's day one!)

2 glasses coke zero.

1/2 banana

2 toasted sandwiches w/shaved ham, cheese and onion

1 orange

Total of about 1360 calories or 26 points


Get under 85kgs
Get under 80kgs
Get under 75kgs
Get under 70kgs
Fit my work uniform
Walk atleast 3 times a week for an hour
Introduce some running into my walk
Start doing some cycling a couple of times a week

Starting Weight: 89.8kg
Last Week Weight: 89.8kg
Current Weight: 89.8kg
Weight Loss: 0g
Total Weight Loss: 0kg

Thursday, May 26, 2011

The Queen of excuses and restarts

Day 1...................again!

Nearly a month, and I'm sure I can think of a heap of excuses as to why I haven't accomplished anything and why I'm still stuck in the same rut.

I've been reading this blog for awhile of a local woman who has lost an amazing amount of weight, and I kept thinking how lucky she is. But luck really has nothing to do with it! she has exercised every day, rain , hail or shine. No excuses! She has watched what she eats, everyday. No excuses! She is just a normal everyday person. Not some super rich person with access to personal trainers and expensive equipment. And she has done it. She is living my life! The life I want to have.

I don't want to be this weight in 5 years time. Hell, I don't want to still be this weight in a years time! You can only blame it on baby weight for so long. So why is it I have such a sticking block when it comes to getting started and focussed?

I managed to set myself a goal of doing the Duathlon back in February. I wasn't fit, but I accomplished my goal of competing and finishing it and not coming last. You would think I would've used that as a stepping stone to bigger and better things in regards to my diet and exercise. Um, no.

I need to get organised. I need to make time for me. I need to stop being lazy! Even a 10 minute trip around the block is better than what I'm doing now, which is nothing.

My biggest sticking blocks to exercising are making time for it, and not wanting people to see me doing it and laughing at me. I'm afraid of making a fool of myself. I don't want to be judged.

So instead, I sit here doing nothing and feeling like life is passing me by.

I'm tired of being the fat person.

The only person who can change this is me!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Day 1

The number of times I've restarted this blog is depressing!

Isn't it amazing how fast time goes when you are trying to lose weight? You tell yourself that by a certain time you will have lost "x" amount of weight, and that time seems so far in the future that it'll be a piece of cake. Right? Fast forward to that time, and if you're like me you find that you've just lost and gained the same few kilo's over and over, and fallen off the wagon so many times you've lost count.

My baby is nearly a year old. I was already 20 kilo's overweight when I got pregnant with him. I gained another 20 kilos during the pregnancy, but lost 10 of those almost straight away. (water and stuff ya know) But I've since spent the past 11 months losing and gaining the same 10 kilos! I'm a big stress eater, and there have been many stressful times that have given me excuses to gorge myself silly.

It's not just about the gorging though. I don't always overeat. Sometimes it's just the constant eating the wrong things........... And the lack of exercise.

So once again, I'm going to start watching what I eat and exercising. I've given myself until the end of the year to lose 20 kilos. I've also set myself a few goals along the way


Get under 85kgs
Get under 80kgs
Get under 75kgs
Get under 70kgs
Fit my work uniform
Walk atleast 3 times a week for an hour
Introduce some running into my walk
Start doing some cycling a couple of times a week

Starting Weight: 89.8kg
Last Week Weight: 89.8kg
Current Weight: 89.8kg
Weight Loss: 0g
Total Weight Loss: 0kg