Sunday, May 1, 2011

Day 1

The number of times I've restarted this blog is depressing!

Isn't it amazing how fast time goes when you are trying to lose weight? You tell yourself that by a certain time you will have lost "x" amount of weight, and that time seems so far in the future that it'll be a piece of cake. Right? Fast forward to that time, and if you're like me you find that you've just lost and gained the same few kilo's over and over, and fallen off the wagon so many times you've lost count.

My baby is nearly a year old. I was already 20 kilo's overweight when I got pregnant with him. I gained another 20 kilos during the pregnancy, but lost 10 of those almost straight away. (water and stuff ya know) But I've since spent the past 11 months losing and gaining the same 10 kilos! I'm a big stress eater, and there have been many stressful times that have given me excuses to gorge myself silly.

It's not just about the gorging though. I don't always overeat. Sometimes it's just the constant eating the wrong things........... And the lack of exercise.

So once again, I'm going to start watching what I eat and exercising. I've given myself until the end of the year to lose 20 kilos. I've also set myself a few goals along the way


Get under 85kgs
Get under 80kgs
Get under 75kgs
Get under 70kgs
Fit my work uniform
Walk atleast 3 times a week for an hour
Introduce some running into my walk
Start doing some cycling a couple of times a week

Starting Weight: 89.8kg
Last Week Weight: 89.8kg
Current Weight: 89.8kg
Weight Loss: 0g
Total Weight Loss: 0kg

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